For those who work with virual environments when developing, here’s a handy cheatsheet in case you need to switch between various virt-envs.
RVM for Ruby
# List existing environmentsrvm list
# Create new environmentrvm install 2.6.3
# Set defaultrvm --default use 2.6.3
# Switch back to system's rubyrvm use system
# Use a specific versionrvm use 2.1.1
anaconda for Python
# List existing environmentsconda env list
# Create new environmentconda create --name py38 python=3.8
# Activate environmentconda activate py38
# Deactivate environmentconda deactivate
virtualenv for Python
# Create new environment (using the current Python version)virtualenv my-env
# Create new environment (using a different Python version)virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 my-env
# Activate new environmentsource my-env/bin/activate
# Deactivate active environmentdeactivate